
Mar 25, 2014

The Forbidden Appreciation

This forbidden romanza... I like you but I must not tell you. This complaining piece of crap is the result of this obsessing sentence echoing in my head, as non-sense as I keep thinking about it. But still, I was told to be myself and everything would work out. Honestly, I don't see how.

Abstracting the memes, bad but funny jokes and status on social network, the portrait is still as clear as the word-of-mouth stereotype: man can't like a woman. Oh I hear disappointment, and girls asking whether why I dare to insult L.O.V.E. or why can't I find her. The answer is that I care about you, and you don't like it. You spit in my face and I am dumb enough to stay there and ask why.

A hunter thinks how to hunt. A mathematician resolves equation. Well seems like simply meet and appreciate are gone forbidden. Yet the first meeting, you walk on the fine line... You master yourself as a jedi, show your education, marksmanship, goodwillingness, you talk, cheers... "You are you". And, next day you simply text her to say hi. No answer. You fall down in the crocodile river. Great, thanks. "Next one" they said. Though yet this has no logic.

"No, don't care about it man. You are too good". What the fuck? Mind fuck, that is it. You follow what your granpa told you about class, what love classics song tells you about man-ness and you don't even deserve an answer? "You have to play the game [explain to me! mario is not her] you have to make her want you [still no clue of this-is-not-I-did?] you have to be distant [i am distant everyday, no shit happens] you have to read the signs [a fuck-you would be clearer and much more appreciated than this blurry trivia jeopardy] you have to give no shit about her [if I give no shit, nothing will ever happen] you have to be rude..." Wait, rude? "Yeah! Women like to be mistreated."

Alright, let's suppose I let aside everything I learned in my life so far. "Fuck you bitch. You'll never have me". That didn't work either.

And come your girl friends. "Women are complicated". Oh that helped, cheers mate! You tell get to tell her the story, and still no quite clue about what went wrong, as well intended as your are. You down deep the barrel.

So during all that wasted energy trying to solve a non-sense puzzle, I still have plenty of opportunities to meet girls who are supposed to like gringos, to chit-chatt this basic 5 minutes conversation which never seems to go further, and most of all, assist to a free-for-all kissing fest all around me- that is the famous girl-like-drunk-douches-in-polo duo. Oh I tried too. But instead of getting the sweet thing in 2 minuted, I got deliberately friendzoned in the same amount of time.

"No answer for loser. You lost it, go sleep". Aight bro. So the jungle law really exists, and no girl seemed appealed to class. The compassion from the girls I met around the world doesn't seem to work, it's even worse on whatsapp. Oh, I must tell them am really sorry for the fact I did not want to stay long with them, because am traveller who must move and can't attach. Meeting was great, but I really feel these short stays also contributed in the advancements with these ladies, since they wanted something special too.

Friends say I look desperate, which I don't agree with because if I really was and agreed with the mistreating theory, I'd had turned raper since a long time. Or gay.

Nough complained now. Thing is, we received advices of another generation. I sadly learned them worthfully, believing in what we call class. In contrast, I see douchebags getting girls in two minutes, insulting them and kissing them after. "You the man." To simply appreciate seems forbidden, coz you' girls, and I'd get whipped out in the minute. Don't tell her, mistreat her, make your unaccessible, bla bla bla. The total counter humanity.

I'll tell you now. I hate when you girls fake this cheap compassion about being ourselves, letting you the easy task to discard who isn't King Kong. I hate it more when you hypocritely ask for the same compassion when you made wrong choices, for the sake of likely to be "craziness". You girls choose, and you choose the same. I hate that you feint you want the good guy and still look at the douche, the asshole, or the dickhead as he had the special swag or what-ever-stupid-thing that "turns you on", not one time; but again and again and again. You are a no-way end, a no solution buckle. I hate how cheap you turn it on guys' fault when we you attractive, and you didn't expect, reacting and escaping like little brain chicks. The charm has disappeared since you believed friendzone was the easy shit you could tell one. It's a loss of time and energy. It's not a game anymore, it's a TV Show, it's no more interesting. I hate when you cheaply let us pull our dracula teeth, trying to suck information out of a cheap hairflip, believing that will push us to want you more. At least, our granparents seemed to have real fun in a time you wouldn't turn us back at the first occasion. If the only way to get your attention is being an actor and fake to be unaccessible, then even sex with you isn't an incentive.

"Bad is good", said bro. I tend to turn believing in this, since I lost all my lucidity and original social self-confidence. The first thing I think about is insulting first coz I would likely play the game, but sincerely, I can't. "You lose it, man... Your problem". Go ahead sharky: kiss, fuck, sodomize, post it and be proud. We'll see how you both will complain in a decade about your bitching romance.

I often would like to be the bad guy. Or 007. To be the guy who doesn't give a fuck and have it easy. Call me loser not to "fight". Wait, fight? So it's a war? We want to be together but we still one against each other? Big sense, big fish. You are overrated, bitches. I spent three years trying to solve a myst case, nothing to do. "You like to make your life complicated" - nah; That's what men do, they solve problems, all day long, but problems worth solving.

I am not ashamed anymore, because when I foresee the consequences, class is still the cleaner option. Fuck you, get lost, go get your douche for the sake of your feelings, biut don't come to me crying.

If it became forbidden to appreciate somebody, then we good for the end of the world.

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